Bibliografia – ManMan Junior – chiński dla dzieci
- Siegel D.J., Bryson T.P. (2018) The Yes Brain. Mozg na tak. Jak Kształtować w dziecku ciekawość świata, odporność psychiczną i odwagę, Harper Collins, Warszawa,
- Brock A, Hundley H. (2017) The Growth Mindest Coach, Ulysses Prss, Berkeley
- Dweck C.S. (2017) Mindset, Random House LCC US, New York
- Rosenthal, R., & Jacobson, L. (1968). Pygmalion in the classroom: Teacher expectation and pupils’ intellectual development. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
- Paunesku, D., Walton, G. M., Romero, C. L., Smith, E. N., Yeager, D. S., & Dweck, C. S. (2015). Mindset interventions are a scalable treatment for academic underperformance. Psychological Science
- Yeager D.S. & Dweck C.S. (2012) Mindsets That Promote Resilience: When Students Believe That Personal Characteristics Can Be Developed, Educational Psychologist 47:4, 302-314
- Dweck C.S Walton G.M. Cohen G.L. (2014) Academic Tenacity Mindsets and Skills that Promote Long-Term Learning, 2014 Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
- Dweck, C. S. (2012). Mindsets and human nature: Promoting change in the Middle East, the schoolyard, the racial divide, and willpower. American Psychologist, 67(8), 614-622
Opowieści w procesie edukacyjnym:
- Rinvolucri M., Story telling: the language teacher’s oldest technique. British Council, 2008.
- Green M. C., Brock T. C. (2000) The role of transportation in the persuasiveness of public narratives. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Vol 79(5), Nov 2000, 701-721
- Neuman S. (1996) Children Engaging in Storybook Reading: The Influence of Access to Print Resources, Opportunity, and Parental Interaction. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 11, 495-513 (1996)
- Egan, K. (1989). Teaching as story telling : an alternative approach to teaching and curriculum in the elementary school. University of Chicago Press
- Ames, L.B. (1966). Children’s stories. Genetical Psychological Monographs,73, 337-96
- Speitzer M. (2007) Jak się uczy Mózg, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa
- Fuller, R. (1982). The Story As The Engram; Is It Fundamental To Thinking? The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 3(2), 127-142.
Rola emocji w nauczaniu:
- Speitzer M. (2007) Jak się uczy Mózg, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa
- Grzegorzewska I. Emocje w procesie uczenia się i nauczania, , [w:] „Teraźniejszość – Człowiek – Edukacja”: kwartalnik myśli społeczno-pedagogicznej nr 1 (57), 39-48, 2012
- Dunsmoor J. E., Murty V. P., Davachi L., Phelps E.(2015) Emotional learning selectively and retroactively strengthens memories for related events, A. Nature volume 520, pages 345–348
- Rimmele U1, Davachi L, Petrov R, Dougal S, Phelps E A (2011) Emotion enhances the subjective feeling of remembering, despite lower accuracy for contextual details.
- Petlák E, Zajacová J. (2010) Rola mózgu w uczeniu się. Wydawnictwo PETRUS
Podejście multisensoryczne:
- Stein B.E. (2012) The New Handbook of Multisensory Processing, MIT Press.
- Chandrasekaran C. (2016). Computational principles and models of multisensory integration. Current opinion in neurobiology, 43, 25–34. doi:10.1016/j.conb.2016.11.002
- Rosenberg L. (May 2015). The effects of multisensory, explicit, and systematic instructional practices on elementary school students with learning impairments in encoding and oral reading, February 2015, Lisa Rosenberg”. hdl:2047/D20194142.
- Shams L., Seitz A.R. (2008), Benefits of multisensory learning, in Opinien-Trends in Cognitive Sciences, [accessed online on 30.04.2019] Benefits of multisensory learning, 2008, Opinion – Trends in Cognitive Sciences is a peer-reviewed reviews journal published by Cell Press. No.x, Ladan Shams and Aaron R. Seitz” (PDF).